Peterborough & District

Paper Mills

London Road
Telephone(01780) 782328
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsParkingSmokingRestaurantDog FriendlySports TVServes LocAle
Opening times: Mon–Sat 11:30-22:00; Sun 11:30-19:30
Regular beers: Fuller's London Pride

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Refurbished oak beamed Georgian food oriented pub with extensive menu. Cosy T-shaped bar area with flagstone flooring and two fireplaces. A stained glass window catches the eye in the entrance. Well furnished main bar leading to dining area which folds you into the mix of the pub, conservatory and patio area. Attractive beer garden at rear. The name comes from the fact that paper making was an industry in the village in the 18th and 19th centuries. The two St Austell beers alternate. The other two pumps usually have beers from Digfield, Nene Valley, Grainstore, Star, Nobbies or Batemans.