
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale


Branch committee members

Darren Lee
Branch Chairman

Paul Beecham
Branch Treasurer

Dickie Bird
Tel: 07731993896
Branch Contact, Secretary & Webmaster

Chris Harris

Mike Lane
Beer Festival Organiser

Duncan Jackson
Beer Around 'Ere Magazine Editor

Cath Hunt
Social Secretary

Steve Bersey
Pubs Officer & LocAle Officer

Karen Quinn
Membership Secretary
Press Officer
Steve Dunkley
Press and Publicity Officer

Chris Harris
Young Members' Contact
Jonathan House
Minuting Secretary

Daryl Ling
NBSS Coordinator

John Glazebrook
Cider Rep

Brewery liaison officers (BLOs)

Mike Lane
Castor Ales
BLO - Digfield
Dave Waller
Digfield Ales

Jonathan Boyall
Elgoods and Sons Brewery

Jonathan House
Bowler's Brewery

Don Rudd
King's Cliffe Brewery

Don Rudd
Melbourn Bros Brewery

Daryl Ling
Mile Tree Brewery

Bill Taylor
Nene Valley Brewery BLO

Dave Allett
Oakham Ales

Dickie Bird
Tydd Steam Brewery

Mike Holmes
Xtreme Ales
Karl Tecklenberg
Rockingham Ales

More useful pub and beer contacts

Steve Williams
Pubs History

Mick Slaughter
Heritage Pubs Contact