Peterborough & District


358 West Lake Avenue
Emailku.oc.snotsram@hguorobretep.nehroom Telephone(01733) 245717
Real AleReal FireFamily FriendlyGardenLunchtime MealsEvening MealsCiderSmokingRestaurantSports TVLive Music
Opening times: Mon–Thu 12:00-23:00; Fri and Sat 12:00-24:00; Sun 11:00-22:30
Regular beers: Marston's Pedigree, Wainwright Gold

See more about this pub on CAMRA's national web site

Large, modern L-shaped family pub and restaurant opened by Marston's in 2008. Photos of comedians adorn the walls of a dining area at one end, while elsewhere are photos and info about the local area, such as the brick pits. Five handpumps serve mostly Marston's beers, which are cheaper on Monday nights. Live entertainment on Fridays. Sunday night quiz. Pool table. Pleasant patio area at side of pub overlooks West Lake.