
Campaign for Real Ale

Campaign for Real Ale

Pub Award Photos

The Bumble, Westgate, Branch PotY 2024
January 29th 2024
Darren Lee presents landlord Tom Beran with the PotY 2024 award and shield

The Thirsty Giraffe, Deeping St James, Town PotY 2024
Vice-Chair, Jackie presents the award to Steve Williams and the team at Deeping St James' newest pub
Vice-Chair Jackie hands the Town Pub of the Year certificate to Steve Williams and the team at Deeping St James' newest pub, the Thirsty Giraffe

The Cross Keys, Kings Cliffe - Rural PotY 2024
The Cross Keys is the best village pub in the branch. Congratulations to Mick Stewart and all the team!

The Angel Inn, Yarwell Cider PotY 2024
Congratulations to all the team! - Presentation to follow

Merit Award for the Vine at Coates
Congratulations to Kris, June and all the team!
Photo: Billy Windsock

Gold Award for the Ruddy Duck, Peakirk
July 10th 2024
Dave Williams presents the award to Nigel Cook. Congratulations to all the team!